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Image Alchemist | Capture One Export • Image Alchemist

Take your architectural photos to the next level by using the на этой странице most powerful editing programs available – Capture One Pro v12 and Affinity Photo. In this tutorial I show you my simple architectural photography workflow while editing an image in Capture One Pro capture one pro 12 export jpg free then doing the finish work in Affinity Photo – no Vapture needed!
Knowing how to edit your raw photos is an important step to delivering great photos to your clients. Enter Capture One Pro and Affinity Capture one pro 12 export jpg freetwo powerful programs that not only give Adobe a run for their pgo, but vastly outperform the offerings from Adobe on so many levels – in my professional opinion. Today I will be discussing how I use both Capture One Pro and Affinity Photo to produce the work that you see on my websiteand will take you behind the scenes a little bit to show you my process while editing an image I photographed http://replace.me/4042.txt the Egg Harbor Library shoot featured in the video linked here: Egg Harbor Library.
21 first is the Image Quality. The second is Layers. The fact that I can work in layers within a raw file editor is a game-changer.
While I know that in Lightroom you can add brushes and range fres, they just give you these little dots to manipulate and there\’s no way to name or organize things. So it becomes really painful, and as most people know Lightroom is slow when adding or exoprt multiple brushes. Capture One doesn\’t ever seem to slow down when I\’m adding additional layers for the kind of edits I make.
Third caputre the Color Control. I love the color editor tool and that I can do luminosity masking within this program. It allows such a fine level of color control that I am able to do the majority of my work within Capture One Pro and then I finish my work in Affinity Photo. Of course there are many capture one pro 12 export jpg free reasons that make Capture One superior to other raw file editors, but those are my top reasons.
In Capture One you can customize the layout of your tools and your tool tabs however you want – another great reason to love C1. To learn more about how to customize your workspace, see the learning hub over at Capture One.
As you can see below, this image is pretty much good-to-go на этой странице out of the camera gotta love that GFX file quality! As a proof image I think it\’s beautiful as-is, but it does need a bit of love to bring it to final. My goal with this edit is to bring out the emotion from this photograph. Currently it\’s lacking in some saturation, and in exporr atmospheric drama that was present when I captured the image.
My first step is to change the curve in the Base Characteristics panel to one of the film presets that come with Capture One. I\’m also seeing some blown highlights from the interior lighting. To fix that I simply go to the high dynamic range slider and pull those highlights down by increasing the slider to This brings everything down to a manageable level.
I will lift the shadows a little by catpure the slider to 15 as well. If you click and hold on option or alt while clicking fref the reset button frse can preview your changes for that particular tool without messing up your settings.
You can also do the same with the large reset button in the top toolbar. We\’re already getting pretty close to what I want the final image to look like but I need to adjust the white balance a bit to ex;ort things up a little. Capture one pro 12 export jpg free the Kelvin to and the Tint to 13 does the trick for me and I think this image is looking much closure to my goal.
Next step is to create a filled layer …. Here I will desaturate those dxport just a little as well as change the hue because I want the lights to look more natural. I also pulled the lightness down some in order to minimize the blown capture one pro 12 export jpg free more.
As capture one pro 12 export jpg free can see, my mask is covering the entire image – so the color edits I just made will affect the entire image, but Страница only want them to affect the lighting. And if I right-click on my mouse I can adjust the various brush cxpture similar to Photoshop and Affinity Photo. The goal is to keep in the warmth of the sky and of the grass in front while reducing the yellows kne the interior lighting.
I\’m very happy with the way this is looking so far and how the bottom of the image capture one pro 12 export jpg free darker warmer, and is drawing the eye up into the the building. But those yellow lights are still bugging me and need to be toned down a little more. Pushing the sliders around I make the orange more yellow and less saturated. This helps make the lighting look more natural to me. But I first need to correct wxport perspective by using the Keystone tool.
Clicking on the Keystone icon brings up two vertical верно! boom 3d free считаю with circles npg each end. There are two ways to send this file to Affinity Photo:.
I found it was very easy to begin working in Affinity Photo and would highly recommend you download a trial [ link here ] and get your hands on it. Exportt first step in Affinity Photo ;ro to begin cloning out various items I find distracting – such as the lamp posts, the rocky area in the center of the image, parked cars, exit sign, etc.
And just like other brush tools, you have the ability to adjust opacity, hardness, size, etc. Make sure you watch my tutorial video on YouTube to see just how good this brush is. I\’m super happy with the way that this photo looks so far, but there\’s just a few further tweaks that I\’d like to make to really finish this off by using Adjustment Layers. I increased the gamma just a hair and brought up the white level just a little to brighten up the whites on the building.
Then I increased xeport blacks for added contrast. Now I will fill this layer with black to hide my edits free I can brush источник only the areas I want these settings to affect.
This has the same effect as dodging and burning but with greater control. Now there\’s one capture one pro 12 export jpg free thing that I like to add to my exterior photographs, and that is a little bit of atmosphere by adding in a solar flare.
Basically, I like something that just cuts into the lens a little bit from the direction of the pjg to add in that emotion. I have a stock library of solar flares and atmosphere that I\’ve created to capture one pro 12 export jpg free used as overlays to help finish my images.
I love how the final step above captur some emotion to this image and gave capture one pro 12 export jpg free a obe cinematic look. It also looks closer to how I remember it when I captured the scene. Now that I am happy нажмите чтобы узнать больше the image, I save the. Once I am done working on my clients selected images, I export capture one pro 12 export jpg free selects from within Capture One Pro based on the file parameters my client prefers.
As you can see, the majority of the work is done within Capture One Pro and then I round-trip into Affinity Photo for the finish work. It is an incredibly simple yet powerful workflow that provides me with the greatest level of control pto provide the highest image quality to my clients.
If you found this post helpful, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel and be on the lookout for more content and tutorials I will be creating. Also, feel free to contact me if you have any requests or questions and I would be happy to help you.
Today I will be discussing how I use both Capture One Pro and Affinity Photo to produce the work that you see on my websiteand will take capture one pro 12 export jpg free behind the scenes a little bit to show you my process while editing an image I photographed exxport the Egg Harbor Library shoot featured captute the video linked here: Egg Harbor Library Watch My Video Tutorial Below.
Helpful Tip: See these little reset http://replace.me/976.txt This photo is almost ready to finish! Preferably the kind lne tilt and shift…. Now that I have my perspective corrected this image is ready to finish in Affinity Photo.
Here\’s how things look in Exort Photo. Exlort done…. Thank you and have a great day!
Capture One Pro: The Digital Story
With a Session, the Session Output folder is the default in the Store Files field, but you can override this. Just like everything else in Capture One Pro, you can save these adjustments as presets, or Copy and Apply the settings to other images that have similar lighting problems. If you\’re a Capture One Pro user, it\’s worth building a strategy for enhancing the file names of your images. I discuss the remaining tabs in a blog on Process Recipes. However, it forgets about page size and ICC profiles whenever you close the program.
JPEGmini Plugin for Capture One 12
Significantly smaller files, zero perceptible difference. It\’s good enough that I use it to export whole wedding galleries. It\’s trial and error to set Lightroom or Capture One pro export settings to reduce size \”without a loss of perceivable quality\”. Jpegmini gives you the smallest file it can \”without visual quality loss\” some exceptions. When you change or upgrade to newer cams, C1 insist you should buy the new upgrades eg c v11 to c v12 even though its just raw files support that you need.
So the idea of just paying once for C1, doesn\’t really works out. Plus the the thing is many people, maybe even most, need PS too not just a raw processor. I understand that\’s tedious, but it would be a way to avoid a forced upgrade if C1 accepts these DNGs. What you can do though is use EXIF tools to change the camera name in the exif of the raw file to a camera name supported in the old version with similar sensor.
This is how I can load newer cameras in my Capture one version 6. Wasn\’t aware that you merely need to change the Exif name to make a raw file usable. I think nobody claimed C1 was cheaper. Especially as a subscripton it is more expensive. But there is one exception. And that is if you own Sony or now Fuji cameras. C1 is much cheaper for them and upgrades from the last or second last version are even cheaper. Been said hundreds, if not thousands of times in every thread that mentions Adobe or LR in news or the forums.
I had a free copy with my Sony camera and it worked fine for RAW conversion but it sure wasn\’t a DAM and it had zero support for video. So as much as LR ticks me off with its plethora of bugs, C1 is no real alternative. I don\’t use C1 because it\’s cheaper although for some users with Fuji or Sony systems it can be , but because it\’s a better editor.
I prefer to avoid using Photoshop whenever possible, and for me C1 is simply a better all in one solution. Have I missed the point? If you just want the C12 plugin you have buy the full package for a more expensive price. I might be interested in the C12 plugin but don\’t want the other stuff. Missing trick here with people who only use CO Same for me. I only have a license for the standalone app and don\’t plan on upgrading to the pro suite.
Sure, it would be nice if it was automated but oh well. Nothing wrong with C1\’s jpg engine and C1 is not \”fixing\” anything. This jpgmini is a separate piece of software that is made by someone other than C1. Not bad, if true. HEIF – while still gaining steam – is a superior file format to JPEG and offers similar or better file size reduction, while also offering bit files. This could be a nice holdover until HEIF support is more mainstream. It takes more time and temporarily more disk space compared with if Capture One would allow me to do it directly, but it\’s pretty neat to not have any quality loss while also having less disk space occupied per photo.
It is called Half. I took me some time to convert 11K photos but I saved 27GB of cloud and device space this way. Just need Android to do the same. Even though it is superior, it could actually hold back adoption because of something as simple as that. Who wants to say \”Hi Eff\” or \”heffer\” when describing a file and how it is compressed.
Sigma\’s been on a roll with their mirrorless Art series lenses. Does the new 24mm F1. It brings a new, 25MP sensor and bit 4K capture at up to p. We\’ve put it to the test, both in the studio and out in the field. In our tests it delivers big performance and offers a few good reasons why you might choose a 12th-Gen Intel laptop over a Mac. Canon\’s high end APS-C mirrorless camera has plenty of compelling features, but is it worth the price?
Jordan took it on vacation to find out. But is it enough to outclass the competition? We dive deep to find out where it excels and what it\’s like to fly. These capable cameras should be solid and well-built, have both speed and focus for capturing fast action and offer professional-level image quality. What\’s the best camera for shooting landscapes? High resolution, weather-sealed bodies and wide dynamic range are all important. In this buying guide we\’ve rounded-up several great cameras for shooting landscapes, and recommended the best.
If you\’re looking for the perfect drone for yourself, or to gift someone special, we\’ve gone through all of the options and selected our favorites. Although a lot of people only upload images to Instagram from their smartphones, the app is much more than just a mobile photography platform.
In this guide we\’ve chosen a selection of cameras that make it easy to shoot compelling lifestyle images, ideal for sharing on social media.
Sony has announced in-camera forgery-proof photo technology for its a7 IV mirrorless camera. The technology, aimed at corporate users, cryptographically signs images in-camera to detect future pixel modification and tampering. It uses tracks, cords and hooks to store your gear flat against the wall without hiding it from view. The new Sigma 24mm F1. Check out our sample gallery to see how sharp it is, as well as how it handles flare, chromatic aberrations and sunstars.
Sigma\’s new 20mm F1. Chris and Jordan run through their absolute favorite lenses for Sony E-Mount, including both Sony lenses and third party options. Nikon has released the financial results for the first quarter of its fiscal year, revealing increased year-over-year revenue and profits. Alfie Cameras is launching its Alfie TYCH next month on Kickstarter, but before then it needs beta testers to see how its triple lens half-frame camera performs.
NASA is preparing for a simulated Mars mission that will house four crew members in a module on Earth. The crew will remotely control drones and rovers to collect rock samples on a simulated Mars. Skypersonic, a remote control drone company, is supplying mission-critical technology as part of the mission.
The explosion created one of the most energetic short-duration gamma-ray bursts ever observed. The Tamron Lens Utility Mobile app is set to launch later this year. The app will let you use your compatible Android device to control, customize and update compatible Tamron lenses without the need for a computer.
The images, which appear to be screenshots from a press briefing, reveal some of the details of the forthcoming lens. The Peter McKinnon camera tool features a patent-pending design that features integrated Phillips and flathead drivers, as well as extendable arms capable of holding four other bits that can be swapped out to fit your needs.
Nikon has updated the firmware for its Nikkor Z 50mm F1. Is this good or bad for the industry, and what are the long-term implications? It\’s a far cry from the conventional lenses you\’re used to seeing, but it\’s sure to give you a look, unlike any optic you can purchase online.
The PGM0. Sigma is set to release new \’products\’ next week, on August 8, What do you think Sigma has in store? Check out some summer vacation photos from beautiful British Columbia to see for yourself. Hardware data recovery is complex, requiring sophisticated, expensive equipment.
A data recovery expert in Poland, Enter Serwis, has shown off how they use a Spider Board to recover data from a non-functioning memory card. This second-generation lens is smaller than its predecessor and uses a stepping motor, compared to the linear ultrasonic motors used in Samyang\’s first-generation 85mm F1. Destin Sandlin of Smarter Every Day is back with the second part of his three-part tour of the Kodak factory. This time, Sandlin shows how Kodak applies light-sensitive coating to the film support base we saw produced in the first factory tour.
Analog photographer guru Markus Hofstaetter shows how he merges 21st-century technology with a 20th-century experience to streamline his analog photography workflow. Reading mode: Light Dark.
Login Register. Best cameras and lenses. Tags: capture-one , compression , jpegmini , plug-in. View Comments Comments All Thematic It\’s not a \”different format\” of jpeg. It\’s compression is more efficient. Different algorithms. Vik ialarmedalien, it\’s not the batch feature that sells this app, it is the efficient compression feature.
I stand corrected. XeroJay Then you\’re not looking closely enough, I guess. Capture One Pro is a powerful RAW image processing converter that supports the digital workflow from importing to exporting images. In this post we will look at the many ways in which you can export your images from Capture One Pro, including printing.
If you need to export your original RAW files, or any other image format from your catalog, you can do this simple. I do it to make a copy of my final selects to my Finals folder, which is covered in details here. To do so, select the images you want to export, and right click one of the thumbnails.
From the shortcut menu, select Export, then select Originals. You can also get to this option from the File menu. After checking the destination etc. This is the single, orange cogwheel icon in the top left corner of the below screenshot. In the Output screen you can create and select Process Recipes, which are used to export your images into various formats and sizes. When you first install Capture One there are a number of Recipes, but I created most of the above.
An Untitled Recipe will be added to the list, with the name ready for you to change it. During export you can resize images and add watermarks. I usually select 92 for the Quality, because it halves the size of the file but leaves no visible artifacts. I like my landscape orientation images to be pixels wide and pixels high. Though, to stop my portrait orientation images from getting too tall, I also resize those to pixels high. Selecting pixels high resizes both orientations correctly.
Select an Output location, and if you want to change the file name, select a preset for that too. You can see a summary of your settings in the Process Summary area. As you generally want your resized images to be sharpened, uncheck Disable Sharpening under the Adjustments tab. Under Metadata, select your required options. Keywords are usually a good idea too. If you like to watermark your images, you can do that under the Watermark tab.
This is illustrated in the screenshot to the right. This makes it somewhat transparent, but can be seen on most colored backgrounds. The Horizontal and Vertical positions shown here will place the watermark in the bottom left hand corner. To adjust the position, click on the little hand icon at the top right corner of the Watermark panel. Once this is set, click the Process button, and your selected images will be output to the specified Output folder.
Resized, watermarked and ready for the Web. If you want to specify an output location for certain image types, you can select a different location under the File tab. This is saved in your Process Recipe, which is very useful. To send a selected photograph to another application for editing, you can right click a thumbnail and select Open With.
You can also do the same with the large reset button in the top toolbar. We\’re already getting pretty close to what I want the final image to look like but I need to adjust the white balance a bit to warm things up a little.
Setting the Kelvin to and the Tint to 13 does the trick for me and I think this image is looking much closure to my goal. Next step is to create a filled layer …. Here I will desaturate those yellows just a little as well as change the hue because I want the lights to look more natural.
I also pulled the lightness down some in order to minimize the blown highlights more. As you can see, my mask is covering the entire image – so the color edits I just made will affect the entire image, but I only want them to affect the lighting.
And if I right-click on my mouse I can adjust the various brush settings similar to Photoshop and Affinity Photo. The goal is to keep in the warmth of the sky and of the grass in front while reducing the yellows from the interior lighting. I\’m very happy with the way this is looking so far and how the bottom of the image is darker warmer, and is drawing the eye up into the the building.
But those yellow lights are still bugging me and need to be toned down a little more. Pushing the sliders around I make the orange more yellow and less saturated. This helps make the lighting look more natural to me. But I first need to correct for perspective by using the Keystone tool. Clicking on the Keystone icon brings up two vertical lines with circles on each end. There are two ways to send this file to Affinity Photo:. I found it was very easy to begin working in Affinity Photo and would highly recommend you download a trial [ link here ] and get your hands on it.
My first step in Affinity Photo is to begin cloning out various items I find distracting – such as the lamp posts, the rocky area in the center of the image, parked cars, exit sign, etc. And just like other brush tools, you have the ability to adjust opacity, hardness, size, etc. Make sure you watch my tutorial video on YouTube to see just how good this brush is. I\’m super happy with the way that this photo looks so far, but there\’s just a few further tweaks that I\’d like to make to really finish this off by using Adjustment Layers.
I increased the gamma just a hair and brought up the white level just a little to brighten up the whites on the building. Then I increased the blacks for added contrast.