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Microsoft office 2013 service pack 1 free download. Microsoft Office 2013 言語パック サービス パック 1 (SP1) の説明
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Office サービス パック 1 (SP1) の説明
This article lists all the Microsoft Office Service Pack 1 SP1 desktop updates, and describes how to obtain them. You can obtain the SP1 updates by using one of the following methods.
Note If you have the Click-to-Run version of Office installed, you will be prompted to update automatically to the SP1 version. You do not have to install an update by using one of the methods in the \”Resolution\” section. For more information, see the following Knowledge Base article:. Update Office with Microsoft Update. You can opt in a computer to the Microsoft Update service, and then register that service with Automatic updates to receive the SP1 update.
Microsoft Update will detect which products you have installed, and then apply all updates to those products. You can download and install the following service packs for each product that you have installed. Note To determine the version that you should download and install, such as bit or bit, follow these steps:.
Open any of the Office products. For example: Word , Excel , PowerPoint , and so on. Download the bit update now. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. A subscription to make the most of your time. Try one month free.
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Microsoft office 2013 service pack 1 free download. Eikon のダウンロード
This service pack includes two kinds of fixes:. This service package fixes the issues that are described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base KB articles:. Download Specs. Microsoft Office Service Pack Download. Last updated:. February 26, User rating:. This service pack includes two kinds of fixes: Previously unreleased fixes that are included in this service pack.
In addition to general product fixes, these fixes include improvements in stability, performance, and security. All the monthly security updates that were released through January , and all the Cumulative Updates that were released through December Issues that this service package fixes This service package fixes the issues that are described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base KB articles: Can\’t hear the first few words that a callee speaks when they answer a call in Lync The \”Program Events\” sound setting is reset to the default value after you restart Lync Can\’t rotate the screen orientation of a video window in a Lync video conference on a Windows 8.
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