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What makes it unique is that its Assembly focussed or based and that it will determine which drawings and parts are relevant based on the single assembly file you select. So if you select your GA for instance, the app will automatically know which parts and drawings form part of that design. Note: This app uses a custom installer and not the Autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free App Store standard installer.
Great application, saves a lot of time when converting a large number of drawings to pdf. However, i don\’t understand how to export to dwg. This file can be created using Inventor\’s export options dialogue\”.
Please help and provide more detailed instructions if possible. Thank you in advance! Thank you for the great rating. Please email me: ivtools mgfx. Is there a way to have the dxf and dwf files exported as well? I have several clients that use those and not dwg. Good app! But can you add sort list of drawing by revision number or custom iproperties. The program saves a lot of time.
It\’s getting really annoying especially when the whole project is exported and later on we need to change some things on a file, in that case the inventor exported file name differs from the drawing porter version and sadly Edgecam can\’t pair the mismatching file names to the CNC program. The default step and pdf name should match the inventor. Also there could be an option to set a different file naming default for others who don\’t use the inventor names. Works very easy and good!
The only thing i noticed is that it is quite slow inthat should be improved. While program is running just resize INV window with the mouse. I don\’t know why it нажмите для продолжения but it works Yes it works faster, thanks! Great tool, only i noticed the software can plot an old теоритеческом best audio enhancer for pc free очевидно of the drawing when part had been renamed so be carefull!
It would be great if drawing porter could give you an option to add the revision to the drawing number such as -r1. A one click button to add all found drawings under a directory path would be awesome.
But since im using Vault, its has some integration issues. But for me autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free ok. Only thing im missing is the possibility to drag and drop drawings? Possible to add that? Hi Lasse, Thanks for the feedback and больше на странице feature request. Its a great idea and we will look into it. I\’ve just downloaded and used this for the first time and I have to say its a great little app.
I\’d like to see the addition of a prefix or suffix option based on iProperties i. We have machines that consists of several hundred drawings. With this app I cannot go back to manually plotting pdf\’s. Good app, easy to use. First of all great app! Drawing porter at the moment print the dwg without cheking if the больше информации is updated with the model, then can create some autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free Thanks for the good review and feedback.
We are working on an option to update the drawing prior to printing. That would be very helpfull. If drawings are updated before generate pdf. I was not aware of this, and i sended to my client out-dated drawings. So i had to run an update design task with taskmanager. But it takes long. Other reviewers have done a better job than i can. Suffice to say it\’s an awesome free app that does just what i need. Also before you \”Find All idw\’s\” or the other thing make sure you do a Rebuild All on whatever assembly your using.
Without doing this i have found it may grab older parts no longer associated with the assmbly. This is NOT a criticism lol. FYI, i use it for creating a drawing pack in one pdf combine pdfs. Myself and the project manager like being able to flip through all the drawings with one pdf. Have reached out to support a few times but emails autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free getting returned as undeliverable so this is also an attempt to reach support.
Hi Jason, Thank for the great review. You can contact me on ivtools at mgfx dot co dot za. Very useful aplication, it should be a long time ago by default instaled in Inventor.
When seraching for drawings, Drawing Porter picks up also drawings for referenced parts, which are actually not needed in given assembly. App works great and saves a lot of time. Two more options would be fantastic if they were integrated:. Thanks for the great work! Hi, I would like to know whether it is possible to have all drawings to a single PDF document? This is by the most useful free I use for Inventor. This is perfect for exporting an assembly drawing or PDF pack to an external manufacturer.
One feature Autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free would like if it wasn\’t much troublt to add would be to drag and drop files to open, instead of opening a seperate explorer window to navigate to the files you want to add. Perfect time saver, but can only pick autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free drawings from C : so this results pratically useless for users that works with Vault, this options will be available in the future?
Vey good work, anyway. It has really cut down the time spent printing. I am looking into the possibility of an adsk of rfa export option to cut down on our 3D model conersion. Autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free are useing both revit and inventor and this would help quite a bit.
Hi Jeremy, Thanks for the good review. You can email me on ivtools mgfx. Will upload it shortly. I really love the fact that the App automatically picks up what page size and orientation the idw is even if you do different sizes and orientations at the autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free time. Dankie Pieter! I\’ve just used this on a couple of top level assemblies and it worked flawlessly for printing out a folder of pdf\’s, ready for combining.
My God, this is going to save me so much time – thank you very, very ссылка на страницу for your time and effort! Hi Paul. Thanks for the kind words and читать далее I used this app and I think it is very well builded. I think it as also a lot of potential that can be implemented.
Good job! Hi Alex, Thanks for the kind words. It\’s much appreciated. If you have some ideas for new functionality please email them to me. My email address is above in the app details. This offer actually основываясь на этих данных to anyone. We are in the process of rewriting the app and would like to hear from the users. Thank you, how can I support you?
Thanks for the kind words and good review. We are in the process of rewriting Drawing Porter to include all the features everyone has requested. To support us give us some feedback via email ivtools mgfx. The only problem for me low resolution icon : It looks pixelated on darker backgrounds. I will create a svg version of your aps\’s icon and will convert it ico to replace shortcut\’s icon.
Hi thanks for the feedback. Yes the whole app is actually a bit dated and we are actually in the process of rewriting it from scratch. The icon will also be updated.
Hi I downloaded Drawing Porter today and it is a very good help for me but there are some things I wonder about. Is there any setting?
Autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free
Tech Blogs. Software Comparison. A2K Webinars. See below comprehensive review by Damien Jovica, experienced user and supplier of both Autodesk Inventor and Solidworks software. For more information contact Damien on or email Damien. Jovica a2ktechnologies. Having used and supplied both, I\’ve put together a licencing and feature comparison. Solidworks has three tiers, a base version, Solidworks Professional and Solidworks Premium. These suites provide greater value, added functionality and integrated workflows with included stand alone titles such as AutoCAD3ds MaxNavisworks, Revit etc.
GST per year. Here are the various options from Autodesk and Solidworks. These options can become confusing when написано, reaktor 6 64 bit free download большое! to compare your options. I intend to compare the Autodesk Suites to Solidworks and Solidworks Vs Inventor Professionalwhen Solidworks is released later this year.
On an \”apples for apples\” standpoint without getting bogged down in minor details, the closest equivalent to Inventor Professional is Solidworks Premium Autodesk Inventor LT is a part only modeler that can do 2D detailing, with no assembly modelling or analysis tools. It can do multi-body parts, so you could design an assembly in the part environment, however, it does not produce an automatic bill of autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free.
Solidworks, or Solidworks \”Standard\” can do 3D part modelling, assembly modelling, 2D drawings, bill of materials. Solidworks Professional comes with photo realistic rendering capabilities, a content centre library Toolboxutilities for comparing files, has macros, entry level data http://replace.me/12287.txt features some setup is required, not an out of the box capability plus a few other features.
While Solidworks offers 3D modelling and 2D detailing capabilities, it lacks the additional functionality that you take for granted inside Autodesk Inventor Professional and Solidworks Premium.
Licence Types and Recommended Retail Price As autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free as technology can be, sometimes when two offerings seem similar, it can come down to commercial aspects and boils down to things like; How can I buy the software? What do I get for my money? What are the ongoing costs?
What are the maintenance and subscription options after I purchase? When you compare the two options over 5 to autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free years, the total cost of ownership is really stacked in Autodesk Inventor\’s autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free. On the upside for Solidworks, you can buy Solidworks or Solidworks Professional and your ongoing maintenance is lower than a Inventor Professional subscription.
You also have the ability to pay the upfront perpetual licence and maintenance cost in the first year and renewing the maintenance after the 1st year is optional, so you don\’t have to pay anymore if you don\’t want to.
Maintenance and Subscription Solidworks has a perpetual licencing model, where you pay an upfront fee for the right to use your software indefinitely as long as your computer hardware and operating system supports it and maintenance is required in the first year. With Autodesk\’s subscription model, you pay for the right to use your software for a fixed term 3 months, 1 year, 2 years or 3 years. At the end of that term, your licence will expire and you must renew your subscription to continue using the product.
Autodesk also offer additional subscription benefits including:. Autodesk Subscription Autodesk offer a Subscription licencing model where you buy a licence for a fixed period at a much lower price than a Perpetual Licence. You can get licences in Standalone or Network versions. Being a flexible licencing model, you can scale up or down and have the choice to renew your Subscription, stop and let the subscription expire or change читать больше and buy a higher or lower level subscription.
As a Subscription is a term based licence it can also be claimed as an operating expense and may be a tax deductible expense, however, you should autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free to your accountant for tax advice rather than taking my advice.
Solidworks to offer Subscription It was recently announced at Solidworks World that Dassault Systemes would also offer a Subscription offering in Here is a 3D modelling comparison matrix: Limitations of Solidworks Standard The Solidworks standard version will do part modelling, assembly modelling and detailing. Autodesk Inventor Professional Vs. Solidworks Professional and Premium When it comes to 3D modelling, the systems are pretty similar and both should give you the output you require.
You\’ll find some посетить страницу источник nicer and better autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free one over the other or if you dig deeper, one system has a command that the other doesn\’t or is a bit more advanced in functionality. Here\’s where Autodesk Inventor Professional has additional functionality:. Like anything, where there\’s a will there\’s a way Simulation This is an area where there are similarities and clear differences.
Solidworks has symmetry check and a geometry analysis tool in Solidworks Professional and Premium that compares two autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free. There is also plastic injection mold flow analysis in Inventor Professional which is a cut down version of Moldflow and Inventor Professional and Solidworks Premium both have a cut down version of a sustainable design package.
If you require further analysis and more in-depth simulation studies both vendors offer Simulation software with more advanced solvers. Solidworks Standard has none. With both vendors, the data management systems are not ready to go, meaning, the PDM systems need to be setup and configured generally by your reseller or someone who has experience with setting up data management systems and SQL databases.
Solidworks PDM standard comes with version and revision autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free which is a great feature over Autodesk, where Autodesk Inventor Professional has Vault Basic which gives version control.
A Drive for data management Autodesk offer A Drive with your Inventor Professional subscription where you get a CAD friendly \’dropbox\’ type of storage where you can synchronise your files to the cloud. Out of the box, this can be used as a version control data management system, has searching capabilities, visibility over who and when someone has edited, viewed and accessed files, secure access controls. Visualisation Having a 3D model means you can create visualisations of photo renderings and animations that can explain the design or market the product.
While nothing beats seeing and touching the real thing, having a digital prototype has multiple advantages where you can illustrate alternatives and be able to see the inner workings of the design to showcase the advantages over other options.
Solidworks Adobe flash cs3 professional full version free has an animator, while Autodesk Inventor, Solidworks Professional and Premium come with an animator and photo realistic rendering for still images. Product Design Suite can write to MS Excel, so if you need Excel data modified or created based on нажмите для деталей a design specification or design change or for pricing, quoting or linking labour costs it can.
Autodesk Inventor Professional can also write to Microsoft Word. Typically to create technical documents with specifications and you can even take a snapshot image automatically and have it in the same document.
Both systems will allow you to export to a lightweight model and embed the 2D drawings and 3D model into an office document for viewing. Autodesk offer a wider range of collaboration tools that are cloud based or server based and functions that are free for CAD and non-CAD users to use and communicate designs and track tasks and changes. Here\’s different ways of collaborating with Autodesk Inventor:. A Viewer – Live Review Solidworks use the eDrawings Viewer program in Solidworks Standard and eDrawings Professional in Solidworks Professional and Premium to share designs and the typical workflow is to create content or import content in your edition of Solidworks and export it to an eDrawings file.
Solidworks has the 3D model based definition PMI which allows you to annotate the 3D model and share that information rather than detailing a 2D drawing. While Autodesk Inventor Professional doesn\’t have a module called \’costing\’, Autodesk\’s iLogic module can just as easily be setup for costing with more flexibility and unrestricted access to any feature, нажмите сюда, assembly or drawing file.
Conclusion Вот ссылка a feature standpoint, if you want a Mechanical CAD system, both are pretty similar and will usually get the job done, each with their own unique advantages.
For industrial design, Autodesk Inventor has both B-Rep and T-Splines surfacing, while Solidworks leverages more on B-Rep surfacing and has some nice tools within this module. It also has a freeform tool as well but the two surfacing modules don\’t work together as well as the two in Inventor windows enterprise cpu core free download my opinion.
To get T-Splines integrated into Solidworks, you\’ll need to look at an add-on, which may not link up parametrically with the other modelling tools. Having said that, if you need to flatten your surfaces, Solidworks Premium gives you that unique feature, where Autodesk Inventor Professional requires an add-on. If you\’re a general engineering company that works on parts and needs to cost them, the costing module in Solidworks Узнать больше is a nice feature.
If you do sheet metal design, the two platforms are pretty similar and which platform is better is a matter of debate, depending on who you speak to.
Autodesk Inventor Professional has a unique module called Shape Generator which will produced a design that meets your criteria so you can interactively lower the weight of your designs.
If your company makes configurable or modular products, having a full featured design and detailing automation module inside of Autodesk Inventor Professional, gives you massive efficiency that can save you seconds, minutes or hours for small tasks or literally turn days into minutes on configurable, customised products that are costed and can be used for quoting.
To then be able to upload those configurable designs to the cloud, embed them into your website and then have salespeople or end-users configure these designs with pricing is real-time and download 3D or 2D files is a big differentiator to Solidworks, if that\’s where your company and designs are headed.
From a licencing point of view, Autodesk are rapidly moving to a subscription only business too and have many cloud offerings, so they are packing in as much as possible for your dollar.
At the recent Solidworks World, I believe there was an announcement that they would too offer a subscription only offering in At this stage, the subscription price for Autodesk Inventor Professional is really hard to beat. I tried to be as unbiased as possible and point out the advantages and disadvantages of both platforms.
If you have any feedback, please let me know, and I\’ll look into it and update the article. VinZero fosters innovation through delivering software and autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free solutions, consulting, training, development and managed services. We have become a trusted technology advisor to our customers through the breadth autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free depth of our service offering and technical expertise, our commercial flexibility and high levels of customer service and understanding.
Think technology. Think A2K. You have no items in your shopping cart. Register Log in. Autodesk also offer additional subscription benefits including: A Drive Rendering in A Free apps from the Autodesk Apps Store Autodesk Subscription Autodesk offer a Subscription licencing model where you buy a licence for a fixed period at a much lower price than a Perpetual Licence.
In Solidworks Standard, you would have to manually autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free every screw, bolt, washer, steel member manually from the web and store it in your own folder.
T-Splines Modelling: Autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free Inventor Professional has free form tools that maintain G2 continuity and are able to align with parametric splines, accept parametric parameters, convert solids or B-rep surfaces to T-Splines and have a hybrid solid modelling, t-spline surfacing, b-rep surfacing environment.
Solidworks has a cut down version of a 3rd party add-on called Driveworks Xpress which is limited to automating dimensions, feature suppression, properties autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free file names.
Autodesk Inventor can synchronise 2D schematics designed in AutoCAD Electrical and vice versa, so if a change occurs in one environment, it updates in the other. Here\’s an example of a 3D model that can be viewed in your browser. Blog archive. Product Categories. Popular blog tags. Customer Что microsoft project 2016 price south africa free Вами Speak to a person
Autodesk inventor professional 2018 service pack free
Simulation This is an area where there are similarities and clear differences. Solidworks has symmetry check and a geometry analysis tool in Solidworks Professional and Premium that compares two models.
There is also plastic injection mold flow analysis in Inventor Professional which is a cut down version of Moldflow and Inventor Professional and Solidworks Premium both have a cut down version of a sustainable design package. If you require further analysis and more in-depth simulation studies both vendors offer Simulation software with more advanced solvers. Solidworks Standard has none. With both vendors, the data management systems are not ready to go, meaning, the PDM systems need to be setup and configured generally by your reseller or someone who has experience with setting up data management systems and SQL databases.
Solidworks PDM standard comes with version and revision control which is a great feature over Autodesk, where Autodesk Inventor Professional has Vault Basic which gives version control.
A Drive for data management Autodesk offer A Drive with your Inventor Professional subscription where you get a CAD friendly \’dropbox\’ type of storage where you can synchronise your files to the cloud. Out of the box, this can be used as a version control data management system, has searching capabilities, visibility over who and when someone has edited, viewed and accessed files, secure access controls.
Visualisation Having a 3D model means you can create visualisations of photo renderings and animations that can explain the design or market the product. While nothing beats seeing and touching the real thing, having a digital prototype has multiple advantages where you can illustrate alternatives and be able to see the inner workings of the design to showcase the advantages over other options.
Solidworks Standard has an animator, while Autodesk Inventor, Solidworks Professional and Premium come with an animator and photo realistic rendering for still images. Product Design Suite can write to MS Excel, so if you need Excel data modified or created based on say a design specification or design change or for pricing, quoting or linking labour costs it can.
Autodesk Inventor Professional can also write to Microsoft Word. Typically to create technical documents with specifications and you can even take a snapshot image automatically and have it in the same document. Both systems will allow you to export to a lightweight model and embed the 2D drawings and 3D model into an office document for viewing. Autodesk offer a wider range of collaboration tools that are cloud based or server based and functions that are free for CAD and non-CAD users to use and communicate designs and track tasks and changes.
Here\’s different ways of collaborating with Autodesk Inventor:. A Viewer – Live Review Solidworks use the eDrawings Viewer program in Solidworks Standard and eDrawings Professional in Solidworks Professional and Premium to share designs and the typical workflow is to create content or import content in your edition of Solidworks and export it to an eDrawings file.
Solidworks has the 3D model based definition PMI which allows you to annotate the 3D model and share that information rather than detailing a 2D drawing. While Autodesk Inventor Professional doesn\’t have a module called \’costing\’, Autodesk\’s iLogic module can just as easily be setup for costing with more flexibility and unrestricted access to any feature, part, assembly or drawing file.
Conclusion From a feature standpoint, if you want a Mechanical CAD system, both are pretty similar and will usually get the job done, each with their own unique advantages. For industrial design, Autodesk Inventor has both B-Rep and T-Splines surfacing, while Solidworks leverages more on B-Rep surfacing and has some nice tools within this module.
It also has a freeform tool as well but the two surfacing modules don\’t work together as well as the two in Inventor in my opinion. To get T-Splines integrated into Solidworks, you\’ll need to look at an add-on, which may not link up parametrically with the other modelling tools.
Having said that, if you need to flatten your surfaces, Solidworks Premium gives you that unique feature, where Autodesk Inventor Professional requires an add-on. If you\’re a general engineering company that works on parts and needs to cost them, the costing module in Solidworks Professional is a nice feature. If you do sheet metal design, the two platforms are pretty similar and which platform is better is a matter of debate, depending on who you speak to. Autodesk Inventor Professional has a unique module called Shape Generator which will produced a design that meets your criteria so you can interactively lower the weight of your designs.
If your company makes configurable or modular products, having a full featured design and detailing automation module inside of Autodesk Inventor Professional, gives you massive efficiency that can save you seconds, minutes or hours for small tasks or literally turn days into minutes on configurable, customised products that are costed and can be used for quoting.
Image courtesy of H2GO Power. Find solutions for product design and manufacturing. Artists unite in the cloud to animate the powerful anti-war story Mila. Image courtesy of Cinzia Angelini. Get the essential 3D animation and VFX tools in a bundle and save. Image courtesy of Pixomondo. Find solutions for media, entertainment, and visualization. Welcome to the new possible Autodesk is a global leader in design and make technology.
See how innovators Autodesk it. Image courtesy of Hyundai Motor Group. Company overview. Investor relations. Diversity and belonging. Autodesk Foundation. Contact us. Students and educators. Affiliate program. Autodesk Research. How to buy. View all products. Great application, saves a lot of time when converting a large number of drawings to pdf.
However, i don\’t understand how to export to dwg. This file can be created using Inventor\’s export options dialogue\”. Please help and provide more detailed instructions if possible. Thank you in advance! Thank you for the great rating. Please email me: ivtools mgfx. Is there a way to have the dxf and dwf files exported as well? I have several clients that use those and not dwg.
Good app! But can you add sort list of drawing by revision number or custom iproperties. The program saves a lot of time.
It\’s getting really annoying especially when the whole project is exported and later on we need to change some things on a file, in that case the inventor exported file name differs from the drawing porter version and sadly Edgecam can\’t pair the mismatching file names to the CNC program. The default step and pdf name should match the inventor.
Also there could be an option to set a different file naming default for others who don\’t use the inventor names. Works very easy and good! The only thing i noticed is that it is quite slow in , that should be improved.
While program is running just resize INV window with the mouse.. I don\’t know why it works but it works Yes it works faster, thanks! Great tool, only i noticed the software can plot an old image of the drawing when part had been renamed so be carefull!
It would be great if drawing porter could give you an option to add the revision to the drawing number such as -r1. A one click button to add all found drawings under a directory path would be awesome. But since im using Vault, its has some integration issues. But for me its ok. Only thing im missing is the possibility to drag and drop drawings?
Possible to add that? Hi Lasse, Thanks for the feedback and the feature request. Its a great idea and we will look into it. I\’ve just downloaded and used this for the first time and I have to say its a great little app. I\’d like to see the addition of a prefix or suffix option based on iProperties i. We have machines that consists of several hundred drawings. With this app I cannot go back to manually plotting pdf\’s. Good app, easy to use. First of all great app!
Drawing porter at the moment print the dwg without cheking if the file is updated with the model, then can create some troubles Thanks for the good review and feedback.
We are working on an option to update the drawing prior to printing. That would be very helpfull. If drawings are updated before generate pdf. I was not aware of this, and i sended to my client out-dated drawings. So i had to run an update design task with taskmanager. But it takes long. Other reviewers have done a better job than i can.
Suffice to say it\’s an awesome free app that does just what i need. Also before you \”Find All idw\’s\” or the other thing make sure you do a Rebuild All on whatever assembly your using. Without doing this i have found it may grab older parts no longer associated with the assmbly. This is NOT a criticism lol. FYI, i use it for creating a drawing pack in one pdf combine pdfs.
Myself and the project manager like being able to flip through all the drawings with one pdf. Have reached out to support a few times but emails keep getting returned as undeliverable so this is also an attempt to reach support. Hi Jason, Thank for the great review. You can contact me on ivtools at mgfx dot co dot za. Very useful aplication, it should be a long time ago by default instaled in Inventor. When seraching for drawings, Drawing Porter picks up also drawings for referenced parts, which are actually not needed in given assembly.
App works great and saves a lot of time. Two more options would be fantastic if they were integrated:. Thanks for the great work! Hi, I would like to know whether it is possible to have all drawings to a single PDF document? This is by the most useful free I use for Inventor. This is perfect for exporting an assembly drawing or PDF pack to an external manufacturer. One feature I would like if it wasn\’t much troublt to add would be to drag and drop files to open, instead of opening a seperate explorer window to navigate to the files you want to add.
Perfect time saver, but can only pick up drawings from C : so this results pratically useless for users that works with Vault, this options will be available in the future? Vey good work, anyway. It has really cut down the time spent printing. I am looking into the possibility of an adsk of rfa export option to cut down on our 3D model conersion.
We are useing both revit and inventor and this would help quite a bit. Hi Jeremy, Thanks for the good review. You can email me on ivtools mgfx. Will upload it shortly. I really love the fact that the App automatically picks up what page size and orientation the idw is even if you do different sizes and orientations at the same time.
Dankie Pieter! I\’ve just used this on a couple of top level assemblies and it worked flawlessly for printing out a folder of pdf\’s, ready for combining. My God, this is going to save me so much time – thank you very, very much for your time and effort! Hi Paul. Thanks for the kind words and review!
I used this app and I think it is very well builded. I think it as also a lot of potential that can be implemented. Good job! Hi Alex, Thanks for the kind words. It\’s much appreciated. If you have some ideas for new functionality please email them to me. My email address is above in the app details. This offer actually goes to anyone.
We are in the process of rewriting the app and would like to hear from the users. Thank you, how can I support you? Thanks for the kind words and good review. We are in the process of rewriting Drawing Porter to include all the features everyone has requested. To support us give us some feedback via email ivtools mgfx. The only problem for me low resolution icon : It looks pixelated on darker backgrounds. I will create a svg version of your aps\’s icon and will convert it ico to replace shortcut\’s icon.
Hi thanks for the feedback. Yes the whole app is actually a bit dated and we are actually in the process of rewriting it from scratch. The icon will also be updated.