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How to Fix \”There was a problem reading this document\” Error?

As such you will have a new PDF file, which is error-free and can be opened by Adobe Reader/Acrobat without error messages. However, the bookmarks created in. When I go to e-sign the document it states: \”The document could not be saved. There was a problem reading the document ().\” The file explorer was closed, I.
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Learn more. By doing that, I can avoid using Adobe Acrobat and paying its subscription fee altogether.
Solved: How to fix : There was an error processing a page – Adobe Support Community – – Post navigation
I have filled in and modified a state-created. I will be customizing the responses to this form for several clients, and I could like to save the customized. After opening the file, I filled in several existing fields, proboem the only other modification I made was to add text to a line that had not been web server for 10 as a blank field.
When I attempt to thos As,\” I get the above-captioned error message: \”The document could not be saved. There was a problem reading this document When I save and re-open, all of my data and the text entry are there. However, this does not allow me to save unique files for each client.
Problme makes no difference when I \”Save As\” whether I change the name, the location of the file, or both. I would appreciate any guidance on this issue.
I use these forms often, and being able to save them uniquely for each client was really the main reason I purchased Acrobat Standard rather than reader. When I used these forms d an acrrobat version of Acrobat at a prior employer, I did not have this issue. Thank you very much! These forums are now Read Only. If you have an Acrobat question, ask questions and get help from one of our experts.
Registered: Oct 3 Posts: ws. Adobe acrobat pro dc there was a problem reading this document (15) free Product Information: Acrobat Standard Registered: Jul 11 Posts: adobe acrobat pro dc there was a problem reading this document (15) free Well the document has obviously been modified by someone other than you, after it was created, since the Distiller version is 5 and the Acrobat version is 7. Acrobat Pro has a utility that will repair damaged documents, under Preflight, but you are only on Standard.
You might have an invalid annotation object, are there any comments in the file? According to the Comments bar, читать document has no comments.
Жмите tried extracting the pages. When I extract only page 2 of 2I can do the \”save as. Page 1 is the pronlem onto which I added some text, but ptoblem I went back to the original file, filled out the forms, and omitted the added text, I got the same results. Adobe acrobat pro dc there was a problem reading this document (15) free there any other likely culprits?
Thanks for your help! Registered: Nov 3 If you work with Wqs 7 acrkbat should disable the file preview hide preview window in aws explorer. Also, make pdoblem you do not save to a network folder with a path length more than characters. Registered: Jul 25 What happens if you open and save as… the blank document?
You may also deactivate the \”Save as… optimizes for fast web view\” option in your preferences. Experience has shown that this feature can mess up a form, because it reorganizes the internal structure of problsm document, but does not update the active document\’s information. Hope this can help. Max Wyss. Thank you for your suggestions. The dkcument path is less than characters long. If I try to \”save as\” the blank document, I get the same result.
I have deactivated the \”save as Again, the same result. I have by accident found a possible solution. If I open the file in Mozilla Firefox and use the Adobe plug-in to save, it allows me to \”save as\” from there.
Interesting new twist: I also cannot print the document from Acrobat X Standard. I get a two successive error windows. The first says \”The document could not be printed,\” and the second \”There were no pages selected to print. However, the same solution above works here. If I open in Firefox, I can print just fine. It\’s not an elegant solution, but I suppose it will work for now? I honestly don\’t think we encountered this issue in Acrobat 8 or 9. Thanks again, Ross. Update: Actually, that\’s not a permanent так adobe audition for pc 32 bit free разделяю either.
After the initial round of success with printing and saving, if I open it fref second time – in adobe acrobat pro dc there was a problem reading this document (15) free Acrobat or Firefox say, to make additional changes based on new informationI encounter the same errors on both printing and saving as.
Ther, It sounds like you have a problem with your installation. Do you have more than one version of Acrobat installed on your machine? If that doesn\’t resolve it, thers and re-install Acrobat. As for printing errors, this error can be caused by extra, un-used printers installed on your system Acrobat polls all installed printers before sending the file.
I probblem not have more than one version of Acrobat. I did this after I did the repair installation and restart my machine. Still the same results. I have run the Repair Acrobat Installation and still have the same results. I am hesitant to un-install and re-install the whole thing, only because I downloaded it directly from the website and do not have a disk.
Will they know it\’s the same machine and let me download all over again? I have removed all the extra printers. Still no luck. When I try to print, I can select any of these specific printers and use the printing screen. The problem does seem to be limited to this file. So far, other files from the same state agency can save as and print fine. I haven\’t tried them all. There are at leastand we probably use in any given year. But, we do use this one often, and I would really like to print and save each time we do.
Thanks so much, Reaading. You should be ok re-downloading. Login at adobe. If you email me the file, I can try the Preflight repair [email protected]. Registered: Jun 28 LexAttorney wrote:.
Adobe acrobat pro dc there was a problem reading this document (15) free
Jul 23, · Adobe Acrobat DC is a software that helps you to create, secure, and distribute PDF files. Plans start at $ a month. 15% Discount on Yearly Payment. Free Trial: Days; Visit PDF Fusion >> Days Free Trial #8) This Adobe Acrobat pro alternative software allows you to complete forms on the go from your tablet or smartphone. Jun 14, · My version is Adobe Acrobat Reader DC I am using the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and not my browser to open the PDFs. It happen with all the PDFs I am reading and marking in. I really hope, that you will soon . Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. We help our customers create, deliver and optimize content and applications. Creative Cloud All Apps free trial. See plans & pricing. See what you can do. Photography. Graphic design. Video. Illustration. UI and UX. 3D and AR. Social media. See Terms. See Terms. Language Navigation.